Sunday, January 13, 2008


Anyone who knows me knows how I feel about Society and what they classify as "intelligence". Intelligence to the rest of the world is NOT how smart you are, but how high the numbers on your report card are. Im here to set the definition straight. Intelligence is not measurable by a number or letter. It is not how much you can retain, but rather how much you can apply. Being the rogue individualist I am, I refuse to do all my work in school. In fact, I havent done a homework assignment in over 5 years! I see it as useless and a waste of my time to do every single assignment given to me. There is no reward. What do you get for doing your schoolwork? An additional number in the grade books that slightly affects that number on your report card? Wow, yes, thats definately something to be proud of. To keep up with schoolwork is to be stressed, constantly tired, and just flat-out not have that much fun with life.

Ive had teachers, friends, and family members all ask me why I dont do all of my schoolwork. The simple answer I tell them is I refuse to do more than what is required of me. If I can pass the class with a 70, why should I try to get anything higher than that? What incentive is there for getting a grade higher than what is absolutely necessary to pass? The reply I get is usually something about employers or colleges looking at grades. Well, Im not planning on going to college, so thats no problem. As for employers, if they want to gauge me by a make-believe standard set up by Society, then I dont want to work for them.

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